About We Have Questions

We Have Questions is the Plymouth Independent’s version of the classic Q&A column, a forum for conversations with local people of interest. We’re not worried about running out of subjects. Plymouth is full of fascinating characters – including entrepreneurs, public officials, educators, artists, musicians, authors, athletes, nonprofit leaders, and many more. The idea is to have a casual conversation that steers clear of cliched questions and canned responses. If you know someone you think we should have a sitdown with, send us a note at whq@plymouthindependent.org. If you have the subject’s contact information, all the better. You can even suggest yourself – we won’t tell.

Rick Vayo’s Megryco turned the Mount Pleasant School building into 11 apartments and the company’s headquarters.

‘I had this vision of what Plymouth could be’

Developer Rick Vayo’s imprint is on many of the highest-profile projects in town. He sees it as a gem that needed polishing. But his prolific pace and far-reaching ambitions also invite scrutiny.

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