How to Submit to Your View

Your opinions are an important part of the Plymouth Independent. We welcome your letters and commentaries. All we ask is that you follow some commonsense guidelines.

For starters, we need to know who you are. Any submission must include the author’s full name, an email address, and a phone number (for verification purposes only). If you’re writing as a representative of a group or organization, please state that. Standing behind your opinion gives it heft and credibility. You can even share links to pertinent sources if it helps make a point or bolster your position.

But while we encourage a robust exchange of ideas, we don’t have the resources to fact-check letters and essays filled with speculative statements and assertions that venture beyond the realm of opinion. We also won’t accept political endorsements, local or otherwise. Anything that even hints of discrimination or hate will be rejected outright. Good taste is a good thing. Brevity is an asset – getting right to the point saves us from cutting your copy, and helps to ensure that people will read what you have to say.

Put simply, we’ll show as much latitude as possible, but we reserve the right to not publish any submission that doesn’t meet those modest standards.

Now, with that out of the way, let’s hear from you. Send your letters or commentaries to: We’re looking forward to it.

Birgitta Kuehn resigned from the Planning Board because of her move to Chicago.

Chicago’s gain is Plymouth loss

I read with disappointment that another bright, savvy, assertive woman is leaving Plymouth. Birgitta Kuehn’s move to Chicago is a big loss for our town.   While she often rubbed some people the wrong way, she kept those in the seats of authority and power on their toes.  She was never afraid of speaking out. I would be remiss in not also mentioning two other exceptional women who have moved away:  Evelyn Strawn and Henrietta Consentino.  Evelyn was chair of the…

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Recent Your View Submissions

Interview with developer missed the mark

As concerns the [“We Have Questions”] article entitled “I Had a Vision of What Plymouth Could Be”: The buildings (The Armory, Mount Pleasant School, etc.) that have been renovated by [Rick] Vayo, et al, are beautiful. I love that they…

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Developers like Vayo have brought woes to Plymouth

Self-proclaimed visionaries such as developer Rick Vayo, and disciples, should be regarded with severe skepticism. They are not here to save us or “polish” Plymouth. Developers so far have given Plymouth reckless absurd building, overcrowding, massive dangerous traffic, unenforced speed…

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‘You are all remarkable human beings’

The family of Rodney Riviello thanks Plymouth residents and first responders for their support and efforts to locate their father, whose body was found on June 22 after a four-day search.

Dear Plymouth, This past Sunday, July 7, we brought our dad, Rodney Riviello, home to Clyde, NY, and had the most beautiful celebration of his life on what would have been his 70th birthday. Thank you for helping us reach…

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