With snow in the forecast, parking ban set for 1 a.m. to 1 p.m. Sunday
A fast-moving storm is expected to bring the season’s first significant accumulation to most of Plymouth.
Latest Environment News

Avian flu believed to have spread to North Plymouth, Long Beach
Officials are concerned by report of dogs running unleashed in the vicinity of dead birds.

Plymouth’s apparent avian flu outbreak said to be state’s ‘largest ever’
Another 71 dead birds were retrieved from Billington Sea on Wednesday. Earlier, an entire backyard flock of chickens had to be euthanized.

Thin ice hampers collection of birds likely killed by avian flu
Officials say warmer weather will speed up the process as they await confirmation that the virus is present in town.

Officials warn of ‘additional outbreaks’ of bird flu in Plymouth
They urge people to avoid coming in contact with dead or ailing wildlife.

Avian flu could be to blame for dozens of bird deaths at Billington Sea
As they await test results, health officials warn residents to take precautions.

In federal suit, vocal sand mining critic says she has been targeted by local officials, business leaders
Meg Sheehan is seeking $20 million from 10 defendants. All of them have filed motions to have the case dismissed.

New kiosk provides a safe way to dispose of needles and medical waste
It’s located inside the Public Health Division office at Town Hall.

Jenney Pond dredging marks the start of a major restoration effort
Over two years, the project will improve the natural habitat and make Brewster Gardens more resilient in the face of climate change.

Former Holtec worker at Pilgrim plant alleges radiation poisoning
The 41-year-old man has filed a federal suit. The company, in charge of decommissioning the Manomet site, wants it thrown out.

State lowers town’s EEE risk from high to moderate
Dusk-to-dawn outdoor restrictions are lifted as of Thursday, and night games will be allowed. But officials urge residents to remain cautious.
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