Thank you for your article about Norm Stillman. We had heard bits here and there about where he went. We miss him terribly but during Covid, all the protocols and pressure for pet care had owners and vets struggling for normalcy as they (we) sought quality pet care.

When we first met Norm in 2018, we were so impressed with his introduction to our aging chocolate lab. Norm immediately got down on the floor to give our nervous dog a chance to get comfortable. We were easily there for more than a half hour. Never had we met a veterinarian with so much humility, compassion, and knowledge. We wondered then how he could possibly sustain that level of commitment to so many families. I know people who would pay for concierge vet care and allow Norm a more healthy life-work balance. 

We never got the chance to say goodbye and wish Norm well. There are no words to convey how much we admired and trusted that man. He is truly one of the good guys and we hope he finds his happy niche. If anyone has a karma balance to be dipped into, it is Norm Stillman.

Thank you for continuing to keep us informed.

Gayle Shenson

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