I know I speak for others who share my delight to read the Plymouth Independent report regarding the School Committee budget vote –  in less than 24 hours!  Our citizens do need to know and understand what decisions their elected and appointed town officials are deciding on their behalf. I was particularly disturbed as I listened to the Jan. 16 Select Board meeting where that board, the school superintendent and committee as well as the Advisory and Finance [committee] debated the school budget – implying further that the “threat” of an override loomed. Plymouth is at a crossroads and financial challenges abound.

When Proposition 2 1/2 was enacted in the early ‘80s, Plymouth decision makers unfortunately chose to make sure our budgets would not need an override.  Those decisions were very short-sighted and consequential.  Living in Plymouth is more costly now, a fact that must be faced because buildings must be maintained, employees adequately compensated, and our future – all our children well educated.

I still remember painfully when our teachers did go out on strike for one day shortly after Proposition 2 1/2 was enacted and school budgets lost autonomy.  Are we headed there again?  Plymouth is a huge community geographically and needs significant financial resources to maintain it adequately.  Since the town fathers and citizens for far too long chose not to, today’s leaders and taxpayers have that burden and responsibility.

Mary LeSueur

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