It’s not easy to do, but Sean Webb got arrested twice in just over eight hours.

Not long after had he been booked and released on assault and battery charges on a recent afternoon, Webb was back at Plymouth police headquarters, this time accused of disturbing the peace.

The incidents took place a few hours and a few miles apart. But they had a common theme: In both cases, Webb allegedly taunted and provoked police, according to reports.

The first incident took place at around 4 p.m. on May 11. Webb, who appeared drunk, and another man were trying to stop traffic on Carver Road.

Plymouth police went looking for the men and found Webb and three others skirmishing in the parking lot of Plymouth G Pub on Carver Road in West Plymouth. One of the men turned out to be an off-duty Pembroke police officer who was allegedly punched in the face while trying to break up the fight.

When Plymouth patrol officer Nicholas Hunt arrived at the scene, the Pembroke officer, Lt. Paul Joudrey, had Webb’s arm in an “arm bar,” which is a martial arts hold.

Webb, 27, of Pembroke, was on the ground yelling, according to a police report.

“Sean was extremely agitated and squirming around…I ordered him to calm down in an attempt to de-escalate the situation,” wrote Hunt.

Webb tried to tell Hunt what happened leading up to the fight.

“Sean’s sentences were not making any sense and were slurred,” Hunt wrote. “I asked Sean if he was drinking today and he said, ‘yes, for a while.’”

Joudrey told Plymouth police he was on his motorcycle when he saw Webb and his friend, Colin Teed, in the middle of Carver Road trying to stop cars. He pulled into the G Pub parking lot to contact police.

When the two men saw Joudrey on his phone, they came at him, looking for a fight. When he identified himself as a police officer, they grew angry and shoved him, the report said. Joudrey pushed back and was punched in the face, the police report says.

A man inside a parked car got out and tried to help Joudrey, the report said. Teed allegedly responded by striking the man in the face.

Hunt handcuffed Webb and, aided by Joudrey, placed him on his side.

They saw a six-inch gash on the back of his head, and summoned emergency medical help. He was taken to Beth Israel Deaconess Hospital-Plymouth.

After his hospital visit, Webb was returned to the station, where he was booked on charges of assault and battery on a police officer, assault and battery, disorderly conduct, and vandalizing property — damaging Joudrey’s sunglasses. 

He was photographed and released at about 8:15 p.m.

Four hours later, a little past midnight, Webb was leaving the Main Street Sports Bar and Grill downtown, allegedly still drunk — maybe drunker.

He was “showing signs of intoxication, unsteady on his feet and completely incoherent…unable to formulate complete sentences,” according to Patrol Officer Joseph Linscott who was posted outside of the bar with three other Plymouth police officers as the bar’s closing time approached.

Webb, who was with a friend, was trying to touch customers as they passed, according to Linscott.

When Linscott instructed him to stop, Webb “began yelling at me and all other officers on scene. F— you, what are you going to do about it?” Linscott wrote.

His unidentified friend told Linscott an Uber driver was coming to pick Webb up.

“I informed Mr. Webb to lower his tone as it was now almost (12:30),” wrote Linscott. “He then told me to “Go f— yourself.

But Webb walked away briefly and appeared to calm down, Linscott wrote.

The calm was short-lived.

Webb approached officers at the scene and told “each and everyone of us to “f— off,” Linscott wrote in his report.

His friend tried to pull him away, police said, but Webb got within reach of one police officer, Noah Regalado, “flipping him off with his middle finger.”

Regalado “told him multiple times to take a step back and get out of his space.”

“F— your space,” responded Webb, the police report said.

His friend tried to hold Webb back, but he broke free and allegedly got into the officers’ faces again. Linscott warned him if he continued his “tumultuous behavior” he would be arrested.

Webb positioned himself in the middle of the street, drawing a crowd and stopping traffic, the police report said.

Linscott ordered him to move, warning that he would be sent to jail if he didn’t comply.

Instead, Webb resumed cursing at Linscott, the officer wrote.

“He continued to ignore my commands and reached out to point at me,” Linscott wrote.

That’s when Linscott handcuffed him, arresting him for disorderly conduct.

It wasn’t until the police brought him to headquarters that they realized Webb had been there a few hours earlier.

When they asked an EMT to look at the gash on the back of his head, and other cuts and scratches, the EMT told police he had already done that — when Webb was arrested the first time.

Webb pleaded not guilty at his arraignment in Plymouth District Court on May 12 and was released on personal recognizance. He is scheduled to appear in court again on July 17. On court documents, no lawyer was identified as representing him.

Teed, 28, of Plymouth, also pleaded not guilty when he was arraigned May 12 on charges of assault and battery on a person 60 or older, assault and battery, and disorderly conduct. He is due back in court on July 25.

His lawyer, Christopher Shea, could not be reached for comment.

Webb’s voicemail box was full and not accepting messages.

Andrea Estes can be reached at

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