About Your Art Here

Arts are an essential part of the Plymouth community. That’s why we offer this forum for local visual artists to display their work on our site. We welcome images of paintings, illustrations, anime, photographs, and any other art form that translates to online display. It’s our way of offering exposure to some of Plymouth’s many creative types. To participate, send your file to Please include your name, email, and a phone number. We encourage you to accompany your submission with a brief description of the image, or an explanation of how it came to be. Please, just one submission at a time. We don’t guarantee publication and reserve to act like a cranky curator and reject any submission outright. We also won’t allow “for sale” submissions, but you can opt to have your email address published if you are interested in selling a work. We hope you enjoy our growing gallery our local artists’ work.

Credit: (Darlene Baker)

Our latest submission is a 16-by-20-inch acrylic by Darlene Baker, which she painted from a friend’s photograph. “While walking the waterfront last fall, I was there at the right time and was taken by the reflections on the inlet behind the ticket booths,” she says. “I’ve seen many paintings and photos of the front of the booths but on this day, the back was much more interesting.”

Credit: (John Rodgers)

This submission is a photograph by John Rodgers of the fourth hole at the Jones golf course in the Pinehills development. The photo hangs in the Pinehills clubhouse.

Credit: (Beth Gragg)

This submission is from Beth Gragg, who writes, “I’m sure you’ve had lots of submissions from last week’s rainbow. Here is mine, taken from Manomet Bluffs. A truly lovely and amazing sight.”

Credit: (Daniel Garte)

This submission is from Daniel Garte. “It’s a painting I did of some boats docked along the Jones River in Kingston on a quiet morning last summer,” he says.  “It is an acrylic painting, which is my favorite medium. In my work I try to take the time to absorb the beauty of the natural world around me and then express that in my paintings.”

Credit: (Paul Stanish)

This submission is a photograph from Paul Stanish. “Once a year at sunrise one can capture the sun passing between the Cape Cod Canal railroad bridge and the Bourne Bridge,” he says. “I was able to capture this picture from Mass. Maritime Academy. I particularly like the fisherman standing on the bank of the canal.”

This submission is a painting from Patty Dysart. “I’ve been drawn to these small shacks across from Long Beach for years, watching their slow deterioration and wondering if they are next on a demolition list,” she says. “What is their history? Who used them? What stories do they hold? I’ve heard many consider them an eyesore.  I do not. I’m hoping this small painting invokes in the viewer a curiosity as to these small hard-working shacks and their important part in Plymouth’s simpler times.”

“Low Tide, Cedarville Landing.” Credit: (Nancy Donovan)

This submission is an oil on canvas painting by Nancy Donovan titled “Low Tide, Cedarville Landing.”

“Sea Glass Art” Credit: (Liz Pretorius)

This submission is “Sea Glass Art,” by Liz Pretorius. “This piece was created from genuine sea glass found on Plymouth beaches,” she says.  “The phrase comes from the sea glass poem. It not only describes the wondrous journey it takes to become a true piece of sea glass but is a reminder to enjoy our own journeys through life.”

This submission is a photograph from Bob Warner. “This is a shot that was taken the morning after [a] recent snowstorm, which brought brilliant blue skies,” he says. “I have a pine tree in my backyard which serves as a nice shelter for the pine warblers. They fly down from there to feast on mealworms and ‘bark butter’ that I serve on my deck, where they feed alongside the bluebirds. I stood on my deck and picked out this male sitting high in the tree. I liked the contrast between the snow, the bird, and the blue sky. This shot will likely make my year-end bird calendar and also make it into my next note cards package. This shot is also available for purchase and would look wonderful printed on metal.”

Warner can be reached at

This submission is a self-portrait collage by Sandra Shaughnessy, a sophomore at Plymouth South High School.

This submission is an oil on linen panel from Stewart Adam titled “Whispers of the Waves.”

He writes: “We eagerly await the imminent arrival of summer’s protracted days, where the sun extends its warm caress and invites us to revel in the leisurely embrace of the season. These coming moments, bathed in the golden glow of the sun, are destined to etch themselves into the fabric of our recollections, becoming a treasured fragment of time, woven delicately into the rich mosaic of our recollections, creating a masterpiece that resonates with the essence of joy and nostalgia.”

You can see more of Adams’s work at

This submission is from Alison Thompson. It’s a photograph she took of the full Hunter’s Moon – also known as a  Blood Moon –  at Ellisville State Park on Oct. 28.

This submission is from Connie Melahoures (whose November submission was the first one for Your Art Here). This image, taken last summer on Plymouth’s Long Beach, is part of the Plymouth Center for the Arts iPhonography show.

This submission is a pencil drawing from David Amory titled “Ozymandias.” By way of explanation, he suggested that we publish the poem of the same name by Percy Bysshe Shelley. So, here it is:

I met a traveler from an antique land
Who said: “Two vast and trunkless legs of stone Stand in the desert…Near them, on the sand,
Half sunk, a shattered visage lies, whose frown,
And wrinkled lip, and sneer of cold command,
Tell that its sculptor well those passions read
Which yet survive, stamped on these lifeless things, The hand that mocked them, and the heart that fed: And on the pedestal these words appear:
‘My name is Ozymandias, king of kings:
Look on my works, ye Mighty, and despair!’
Nothing beside remains. Round the decay
Of that colossal wreck, boundless and bare
The lone and level sands stretch far away.”

This submission is from Kathleen Noone, who says she has “been enjoying the creativity of my fellow artists and crafters” in the Your Art Here section.

“Cool Breeze wind chimes are handcrafted by myself and my identical twin (Karen Shea Price), lifelong Manomet residents,” Noone explains. “We recycle the bottles from local bars/restaurants, including Uva Wine Bar and CJ’s Bar and Grille. The shells are collected from local beaches and the beads are repurposed from jewelry purchased at nearby thrift stores.” (An example of their work is pictured.)

For more information, visit the Cool Breeze Facebook page.

This submission is a photograph taken by Kimberly Needham at the Daniel Webster Wildlife Sanctuary in Marshfield. (Readers: Can you tell us precisely what type of bird this is?)

Bug Credit: (Jack Cleland)

This submission is “Bug,” an acrylic painting of a scene on Centennial Street in North Plymouth. It was painted  by Jack Cleland, a senior at Plymouth North High School.

This submission is a photograph from Bob Warner. “Back in early 2021 when I was recovering from Covid, I ventured over to Tidmarsh Wildlife Sanctuary to test my stamina after several weeks at home,” he writes. “It had snowed the night before. As I was preparing to leave the parking area, a flock of robins flew into the trees. I still had my camera on the seat of my car, so I lowered the window and took a few shots. I thought it would be interesting to convert the photo to black and white, but then bring back the color of the birds using a technique I was just learning to utilize in my photography. It was a painstaking project, and my skills have much improved since then, but I was pleased with the result and turned this into note cards. It was featured in one of my calendars.”

You can view more of Warner’s work here. 

This submission comes from an artist’s wife. Beth Gragg submitted a photo of this work by her husband, Mason Young. “[He] is a wood carver and creates beautiful sculptures from cherry, walnut and other wood that he gets from friends,” she writes. “He recently plunked this beauty down on our kitchen table and I immediately fell in love. He works out of his basement in Manomet and welcomes feedback on his work.”

Young can be reached at

This submission is from Steve Garfield, who took this photograph of ice patterns on a window.

This submission is a photograph by Terri Twyman, taken on Dec. 3, 2019, at the Plimoth Grist Mill. “I knew I had to take some pictures after that snowfall,” she says, and the mill “became my muse.”

This submission is a photograph by Colleen Costa. “My husband and I took a ride to view the ocean [at] Manomet Point one Friday evening,” she writes. “The view and colors were pretty at the Point so I took the shot.”

This submission is a pastel painting by Heidi Mayo titled “On the Rocks.” It’s a scene from Plymouth Boatyard in North Plymouth.

This submission is a photograph from Bob Warner.

“I have been attracting birds to my yard for many years, and once the cold weather arrives, so do the Pine Warblers,” he writes. “These bold little birds flock to my deck where they get a daily helping of dried mealworms and my homemade ‘bark butter,’ giving them valuable high energy calories. As a wildlife photographer, they give me ample opportunities to capture them through my lens at close range. I can often shoot from as little as eight feet away. This shot was taken [recently] during light snow that then turned to rain.”

To inquire about purchasing photos from Warner, email him at

This submission is a poster created by Big Dan x Quincy of the Quins. Yep, that’s how he wanted to be credited.

This submission is a photo by Patty Dysart titled “Cold Bottom Reflections.” It was shot in Chiltonville. “Late afternoon walks create many beautiful opportunities to capture dramatic winter skies and mirror-like reflections,” she says.

This submission is from local professional photographer Ed Nute. “Having a photo studio is the best – [there are] many great things to play with,” says Nute, who recently has contributed his skills to the Plymouth Independent. To make this picture, Nute used an old TV he found in his basement, along with some art figures in his studio. “What made this photo is the tin foil rabbit ears,” he says. You can find more of his work at

This submission is a drawing by Jill Voelker titled “Psycho-Symmetry.” She describes it as “a spontaneous art exercise.” Voelker says she created it with pencil and pen, “followed by color; usually Prismacolor pencils.”

This submission, a photo of a female bluebird, is from Bob Warner. He says he took it during a February 2022 sleet storm. “I’m able to shoot with a telephoto lens from my deck out towards the woods in back where this bluebird was resting,” he explains. “In my processing, I cropped the photo to [a] 1×1 format and added some subtle textures to the background to create this look.” 

This submission is an acrylic painting by Plymouth North junior Sarah Godlewski titled “Jeff the Cat.”

This submission is from Stewart Adam, a Plymouth resident who identifies as a “self-taught artist specializing in oil paint.”

“Time and memory hold a profound allure” for him, Adam says. His art “explores how objects seamlessly blend into their surroundings” and he “finds beauty in the gradual erosion of surfaces.”

Adam describes his work as “possessing an ambient ambiance and an ethereal mood.” You can see more of it here.

This submission is “Sitting on Business,” gouache painting by Emma Pesa. She’s a Rising Tide charter school junior. 

This submission is a season-appropriate photo from Tim Downie that he took a couple of years ago. “It was about midnight and a fresh dusting of snow had just fallen,” he said. Just enough to dress up the Plymouth Rock portico. This year, no snow is predicted through the end of the month.

This submission is an oil painting by Carol Raymond. The subject is Doug Gray, a lifetime Plymouth resident, artist, sculptor, former superintendent of Plymouth parks and recreation, and owner of Billington Sea Kayaks. For more, visit

This submission is from Nancy Cloonan, an abstract painter who has lived in Plymouth since 1994. The painting is part of a series of four and is titled, “Outside No. 4.”

“I paint intuitively, using acrylic paint, graphite, wax crayons, grease pencils, and sometimes some collage,” Cloonan says. “I work in multiple layers, and keep painting until I figure out what needs to stay, and eventually finish the work.”

Most recently, she has shown her work in Pennsylvania, North Carolina, and Maryland.

This submission is from Jean L. Kreiling, a photograph taken at Plymouth Rock. Incredibly, she says no filters were used to enhance the photo. “I picked the right morning to rise early and walk down to the harbor, where I saw this magnificent sunrise,” Kreiling says.

This “Your Art Here” submission is an illustration by Plymouth artist Keith Favazza titled “The Journey.” It’s about “the adventurous journey of the herring,” he says. “For the Wampanoag tribe, it means spring and hope.” Favazza says his work “started out as a hand-painted chair on the waterfront and it turned into an illustration.” He can be reached at

This submission is from Margaret Bailey Rosenbaum. It’s an acrylic painting titled “Bramhall’s Autumn Bouquet.”  The subject was  a bouquet at, you guessed it, Bramhall’s Country Store.

This is a photograph of the full Beaver Moon over Nye Barn at Plimoth Patuxet Museums, taken on Nov. 27 by Marcia Martinson. She used her iPhone 12 Pro Max with the night setting. Martinson, who is a volunteer in Plimoth Patuxet’s wardrobe department, says she loves “taking photos of our beautiful town.”

This submission is from Keely Farrell, who runs the Made in Manomet shop in – you guessed it – Manomet. 

“The image I referenced was from a photograph my husband took of a hummingbird in our backyard,” Farrell says. “Lucifer grass is one of my favorite plants, so I thought this image was perfect. The background is watercolor. [The] lucifer grass and the hummingbird were created using colored pencils.”

Heidi Mayo’s pastel painting of Holmes Terrace in North Plymouth titled “Holmes Run.”

The above work is titled “Fawn,” a pastel by Plymouth North High School sophomore Megan Holleman.

This picture, titled “After the storm,” was taken from her cottage on Plymouth Long Beach. She says it reflects her “passion for seascapes.” Melahoures used an iPhone Pro Max 13 and enhanced the colors through post processing. She sells some of her photos and can be reached at