The mission of League of Women Voters is to empower voters and defend democracy. We believe that democracy is not a spectator sport and that it is paramount that we have multiple candidates running for offices in our town, county, state and nation.

We also know that becoming a candidate can be pretty intimidating for first timers. What do you need to get started, where can you find information about setting up a campaign and how do you know if you’ve got the bases covered?

There are several places you can go for information depending on what level of office you are running for. The Town of Plymouth website is a good jumping off point and contains a link to a local candidate information packet.

The open positions to be filled in the May 17, 2025, local election include Select Board, School Committee, Town Moderator, Planning Board, Housing Authority, Redevelopment Authority, and Town Meeting members for all precincts.

The secretary of state has a 20-page document with lots of details that can be found here. Also, see the League of Women Voters of the Plymouth Area website section on how to run for office.

The League of Women Voters of Massachusetts has recently announced a series of videos focusing on the various aspects of running for office. The first one pertains to Campaign Finance and can be found here. It is full of pertinent information to get a new candidate started. More to follow.

Go ahead, take the plunge and become a part of the government instead of just watching from the outside. Good Luck.

Deb Etzel

Etzel is a member of the League of Women Voters of the Plymouth Area.

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