Plymouth’s synagogue celebrated the last night of Hannukah on the first night of the new year.
On January 1, Congregation Beth Jacob, lit its giant menorah on the Town Hall green to mark the final night of Hannukah. After lighting the final candle and singing holiday songs, the Plymouth Fire Dept. dropped 10 pounds of chocolate coins (known as gelt) from its ladder truck to the excited kids below.
This was the first year in CBJ’s 100-plus year history that the menorah was lit on the Town Hall green, next to the town’s large Christmas tree. It is a partnership that we hope to continue for years to come.
Started by CBJ last year, the gelt drop has become a favorite for kids and adults alike.
We are grateful to the Town of Plymouth, which has been wonderfully supportive partners. Special thanks go to the Fire Department, for showering the green with chocolate coins and making the kids’ night, and the Plymouth Police Dept. for keeping us safe.
– Devon Portney Fernald
Portney Fernald is a member of Congregation Beth Jacob.